Going to the Movies is a Terrible First Date Idea

Sarah Maclin Lyons
3 min readApr 19, 2019

It’s hard to know if you like someone if you’re just sitting next to each other in a dark theater where you can’t talk.

Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

I love going to the movies. They are entertaining and fun. I especially enjoy going on my own because if you think about it, you really don’t need to go with anyone. The only movies that are better with someone are horror movies. It’s better to have a friend or partner to grab onto when you’re scared.

Otherwise, there’s no need. Why? Because you don’t get to talk or engage with anyone while watching a movie. This is why going to the movies for a first date is an awful idea.

Assuming you haven’t just decided to step out of the friend zone and date your best friend, first dates are meant for getting to know each other and seeing if you feel any chemistry. You ask the questions that matter to you. You learn a lot by just talking. Body language is also easier to read when you’re actively engaging in something together.

You can discover key things on the first date. Does the conversation flow? Are you comfortable with this person? Are you even attracted to this person, both looks and personality? Do you have enough things in common? Are you enjoying spending time with this person?



Sarah Maclin Lyons

Storyteller | Poet | I write what feels right. Obsessed with love and how we live life.